Welcome to my blog. In the future I hope to discuss at length various issues related to video games and their impact on society as a whole. Having played video games for a significant portion of my life I feel several years of interesting insight going to waste should I not lay it out into text form. I'm still focusing on my first topic for now and it should be up and going within the month (fingers crossed). Perhaps with video and voice overs if the written words alone don't do justice to what I'm trying to say.
Intermittently I may post news articles from various gaming sites along with an accompanied opinion if its relevant to my interests; you're usual blog fair if you will. As for thinking outside the box, if you ever want to try out a game with me or assist me in putting together a topic you'd like to discuss feel free to contact me.
Congrats to me and my first post. If you have any thoughts about my site or the content thereof let me know in the comment section that should be below this post.
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