So If you're been reading any of my posts so far then you've probably read about World of Tanks at some point. So why won't I shut up about this free to play game from Russia?
Allow me a brief introduction- World of Tanks pits various world war II tanks tanks against each other- all the way up through the korean war across the stages of Europe, Africa, and the recently added US. Its somewhat simulation and somewhat arcade style. Its free to play and in my opinion very fun. Now that that's out of the way...
Its easy to get into
Not boring easy like korean MMOs where you're fighting mushrooms and piglets for the first couple hours. Easy in a way where you don't feel overwhelmed when you first start playing. Subsequently progression is pretty quick during the first 2 or 3 tiers of tanks which encourages people to dig into the various strategies each tank type offers. The controls are dynamic yet simple and the nature of the gameplay rewards critical thinking, however it doesn't punish foolish trial and least not until you get further into the game. I'll delve into that a bit later, I have to be honest though...
This is probably a must for a game exclusively about tanks. Not unlike angsty teens being a must in ever Final fantasy game. I probably gained an affinity for tanks with games like TANX and its sequel TANX GLOBAL ASSAULT for the N64. If you have a working N64 I recommend trying those gems out if you have the chance. I also enjoy mechs to some extent and tanks are like mechs in a way, except they're slower- also they typically lack legs. Large metal object fetishism aside, you don't have have be in love with tanks to love this game, however you will need some patience as this game will try your nerves at times because...
This game is difficult to master
Learning how to move in your tank, learning how and when to shoot in your tank, learning where to shoot your enemies given what gun you have, what angle they're at and what kind of ammo you're using. These are some of the variables that determine whether you survive a match or end up in a burnt out hunk of steel. As a friend of mine would say, you can effectively "punch above your weight" if you time your shots carefully, aim steadily and have a little bit of luck. The feeling of satisfaction knowing the choices you made ensured your survival in an almost rehearsed fashion of tanks dancing around each other is one that's hard to describe. If you're playing an artillery style tank or as they're called in this game "SPGs" - I would compare it to threading a needle in front of a fan set on high while a wasp is flying around you and could sting you at any moment. The word thrilling comes to mind. Also...
Making poor decisions in this game will leave you a smoking wreck quickly. Once you breach tier seven in this game, you'll hit what I'll call "No joke tier". Unless you preform fairly well at this level of play you'll end up losing in game credits (used for purchasing more tanks, upgrades and so fourth) instead of usually breaking even or getting a positive credit revenue as you would tier six and below. This almost makes purchasing premium account status obligatory. If you keep your lower tiered tanks, many of which are decent in their own right, you can keep a steady income of credits if you balance your play with your higher tiered and lower tiered tanks. A necessary design to ensure someone is always playing different tiers of tanks.
Thats all I want to say about WoT for now. I've been doing a bit of researching for quality video recording devices. I made this using xfire, xvid, and virtual dub. I was able to push out a lot more video quality with this set up with a loss of audio quality. I'll get a bit better at this eventually I hope.
If you're interested on how I made this video post it in the comments and I'll give a basic rundown of how to capture the most quality. Here are the tools I used.
also tank lolis