I've been clawing my way up Spiral Knights day by day, working at getting a little bit better as I go. I could spend 10 bucks and have a five star weapon but I feel like that would weaken the experience, like having the safety rails and the mini slide up in a bowling lane. I guess what really pulls me in is the difficulty. There aren't too many games that really challenge me nowadays so its refreshing to have something that keeps me on my toes. A feeling akin to an SNES game where too many mistakes would make you start from scratch. This of course can be circumvented by buying an elevator pass for a paltry six bucks or so, but usually the 100 mist energy (it costs 10 energy to do a level in spiral knights) I get a day lasts me more than hour which is more than long enough to spend with this game in a single sitting.
Subsequently when you do team up with a group of friends its a fun time. The best way to explain it I guess would be to compare it to four swords link, but I've never played that game in all honesty so its hard to make an honest argument of that. I can say its akin to PSO in a way in that the main focus is on cooperation when you're playing with others, and its generally easier to make it through the various levels with more people, granted said people are competent and properly equipped. Not to say those with under-powered gear are useless but they are typically less dependable and don't hold up that well against tougher foes even when their skill rivals better players. Again though with precision and caution you can go just about anywhere in this game with mediocre gear. On a tangent now... To be brief, a good team is quite capable of doing exceptional feats in this game.
I recently got decked out in several pieces of 5 star gear, which I would dub "no joke tier" for this game. I'm still one piece short of a full set but the satisfaction from my...I'll say "work"- gives me a feeling of completeness. A job well done, even if it was through grinding dungeons for hours on end.
I'll get into World of Tanks and how its
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