Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Carl of duty and the PC benchmark of 2007

Call-o-duty black ops is fairly short and sweet but since I got it on sale for 19.99 so I don't feel terribly cheated-  "cheated" though? Why does this purchase invoke that feeling. Well the game was fun as was the multiplayer it offered as it was your typical call of duty modern warfare ...fare so what was I expecting?  I was expecting something worse to be honest but my impossibly high standards have left me burdened with my spoiledness with various other gems to compare it to. More prominently and somewhat louder I guess is a voice in the back of my mind that keeps nagging me "You should of waited for it to be cheaper." and I probably should have seeing as how I'm not going to bother with the multiplayer- arguably the main focus of the game. I could of just as easily pirated the game for the single player and been done with it but there's no sense in feeling regret about it now I suppose. Personally, I blame Gabe for making games so reasonably priced that even a tight ass like myself breaks down and buys them. 

A whole paragraph on buyer's remorse, a cynical asshat am I to be sure. 

Black Ops  is yet another game that pretty much has it all in the title. You're the no joke dude sent in do complete secret operations, you get captured twice thrice and escape every time, wield a mini gun with your bear hands (he's in Russia at the time yuk yuk), shoot explosive crossbow darts,  and various other manly things. Its actually nice to see a game acting like a video game again and by this I mean I want to see a future call of duty game have you fighting space nazis on the moon while riding on a dinosaur that has lazer guns for hands. Make it happen treyarch.  To be more clear- I want to see more ridiculousness that borders on surreal so that when I'm playing  a game I'm genuinely entranced in the universe it presents. Its obvious that with the Call of  Duty franchise they have a lot more creative freedom to enjoy and that's never a bad thing.

Interesting tidbit though, I did some research and a lot of the guns in Black Ops shouldn't actually exist... at least in the time line Black Ops presents.  For a more elaborate explanation check out this page on imfdb. The word they use a lot is "anachronism" which , as wikipedia reads- 
"An anachronism, from the Greek ανά (ana: up, against, back, re-) and χρόνος (chronos: time), is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of person(s), events, objects, or customs from different periods of time. Often the item misplaced in time is an object, but it may be a verbal expression, a technology, a philosophical idea, a musical style, a material, a custom, or anything else associated with a particular period in time so that it is incorrect to place it outside its proper temporal domain."

Its a really cool word but the chance to use it comes up so rarely due to the abstract definition. 

Well that's enough reflection today. I've yet to beat crysis so I don't yet feel qualified to speak on it in depth as of yet, but I feel compelled to as it has given me some unique experiences. 

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